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Adolf Hitler

Brave. Controversial. Loved by some, hated by many more.  ImageNo. I’m not a hidden nazi or something. I just though it would be very interesting to talk about one of the greatest (either you like it or not) personalities of history. With his characteristic moustache, he conquered the World. Did you know, Hitler used to have a normal moustache, but he was asked to shave it in order to be able to use gas masks in the First World War. Anyway, I don’t agree with what he did, I’m just saying what he did was incredible. He convinced a whole country, and other countries too, to obey him, to believe in what he said and to believe in his philosophy. But let’s start from the beginning.

Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, a small city located in Austria, near Germany, in April 20th, 1889. His family was middle class. His father was a customs agent. Adolf had four siblings, but only his sister Paula, and himself, made it to the adulthood.


Hitler’s original moustache, before he shaved it forever.

Adolf wanted to be a painter. Can you imagine how many people would be still alive? Or maybe have descendants if Hitler had became the new Da Vinci?

Adolf Hitler was a good student in elementary school, but he started to decrease his effort, and lost his interest. He left school in September, 1905, and he was still convinced about painting.

As a teenager, Hitler was already a very nationalist man, and he really hated the Austria-Hungary’s ethnic diversity.

He visited Viena when he was 16, and he decided to make a painting test in the Academy of Fine Arts of Viena, trying to become a painter.. He was very sad and disappointed when the Academy rejected him. He made a second try and it was the same.

Many people don’t know, but Hitler participated in the First World War. He volunteered in the German Army. Adolf was very excited when the war started, contrary to most people. There are not many people who like war, right? Hitler did. He served as a messenger, exposing himself to the enemy fire, and risking his life.

Hitler was accused of high treason in 1924, and he said the following quote: “I carry the responsibility alone. But I’m not a criminal for that. If today I stand here as a revolutionary, it is as a revolutionary against the Revolution. There is not high treason against the traitors of 1918.”  

He was sentenced to 5 years in jail, in Landberg Prison. While he was there, he wrote a book called “My Fight”, where he exposed all his ideologies, specially his nationalist ideas.

Hitler was in jail for 5 years.

Hitler was in jail for 5 years.

A key moment for his ascent to power, was the Great Depression. He exposed his satisfaction, and made Germans believe they had been lyed, deceived and betrayed by the capitalists or marxists. He revived the Germany’s nationalist feeling, from WWI.


Hitler was a good leader. Sadly, he had very bad ideas.

In January 30th, 1933, Hitler became Germany’s Chancellor, with the Nazi party. Hitler wasn’t considered only a Chancellor by the Germans,  but also a savior, a leader.


Okay, so Hitler’s main idea was that Germans are the Aryan    race. The superior race. The pure race. He proclaimed himself the Third Reich. When he reached the power, he broke the Versailles Treat (that only allowed 100,000 men in the German Army) expanding his army up to 600, 000 men. Even when many countries noticed this, any of them took matters into.

Hitler signed a Pact, with Japan and Italy; the Axis Powers.

There are many possible reasons why Adolf hated the Jews. Some people say Hitler’s mother used to work as a maid for a Jew family. Other theory is that Hitler said the Jews broke the steady flow of money that keeps a country stable economically. Hans Frank, a Nazi militar and attorney, said in his memories, that Hitler had Jewish descent. What I think is that simply Hitler lost his mind, as a consecuence of too much power. What is true is that Hitler tortured and made the Jews, homosexuals, and other groups of people, suffering. I’m still curious about what would have happened if Hitler had been a painter…

The WWII started after Hitler began conquering and taking territories, such as Austria and Czechoslovakia. England and France declared war to Germany in September 3rd, 1938. After this, the Great War we all know happened; USA entering the war, the Soviet Union…

Hitler married in the last days of the WWII with Eva Braun in an underground bunker, when Germany was practically defeated in the war.

How Hitler died? Well, there are actually many theories. One of them, the “official one” by the Allies, was Adolf Hitler suicided shooting himself with a gun and, at the same time, consuming a toxic pill.

Now, I’ll mention some curious facts that I found in the web.

  1. Hitler never allowed anyone to see him naked.
  2. Hitler never took away his coat in public.
  3. He was never interested in any game or sport, and didn’t practice exercise.
  4. He loved circuses. Anyway, he wasn’t interested in wild animal acts, unless there was a woman in danger.
  5. Hitler used to see movies that were forbidden for the Germans, in his private theatre.

Adolf Hitler participated in the creation of this historic automobile.

Did you know, Hitler designed the final details for the Volkswagen car, and put it the name of Kdf-Wagen, which was finally changed to Volkswagen.

In my personal opinion, Hitler was a great leader. One of the greatest leaders of all time. He had that special and exclusive ability of moving masses, being listened, respected, obeyed… He was able to lead a large group of people to do what he wanted. Sadly, he had terrible interests and completely wrong ideas, and he did terrible things. If only he had used his abilities to do good things for the World… It would have been awesome.


I don’t know… I just found this…

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